In recent years it has become more apparent how vital soil health is for the planet. In my field I nurture the soil knowing that it will not only support my beautiful flowers, but a whole ecosystem.
No dig method
The structure of soil is complex. In order to protect beneficial organisms within the soil, we have utilised the 'no dig method' to convert our field from grass to soil, ready for cultivation. Originally our field was pasture, having been home to pigs. By covering the soil with cardboard and then a thick layer of compost, the grass and weeds are killed. In turn, the cardboard rots down and the compost pulled down by worms creating lovely friable, humus rich soil. Perfect for growing our flowers.
Chemical free
At Sweet Briar Flower Farm we believe that growing in line with the seasons, as nature intended, can create gorgeous blooms. By following organic principles we work with nature. This does mean that we cannot always guarantee when plants will be flowering, but we can advise on colour palettes likely to be available.